Victoria's Secret: Reveal Erin's secret

Image advertising:

Reveal Erin's secret
Victoria's Secret
Sexier than skin

It is a fantastic idea for Victora's Secret from students at Miami Ad School in New York. Using QR codes, which many smartphones can use to access a specific web page, the adverts feature an image of the page with the 'QR blank' filled in.

This outdoor ad campaign is most likely aimed at guys in their twenties and thirties. According to the findings of a recent study, men are more inclined than women to buy hot underwear for their spouses. Scan the code, and an image of Victoria's Secret Sexier Than Skin will be shown. Curiosity will encourage them to scan the code. Lingerie is more beautiful than flesh, according to the advertising.

Since only guys with QR code scanning smartphones were targeted, I think it is an unusual choice by the University of Miami students to exclude the business name from the commercial. If I were in charge of creating this advertising, I would change that. While the concept and execution are excellent, you can tell they are part of the same campaign since the colors and font used in all the commercials are identical.

Advertising School: Miami Ad School, New York, USA
Creative: Viktor Angwald